Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Puppy!

Our New Black Lab puppy

 Here he is with Coal
They play a lot together.
Sometimes Coleman's not in the mood for the young pup, but they have fun together.
Maegan, Gemma (friend) and Sammy with the Jax playing at Alex's baseball game.

monkey see monkey do

 Here's sammy on one side of the couches arm rest, And Coal on the other arm rest.
Silly dog always sleeps there.  I just found it funny, I saw Sammy doing it too.


Maegan and Sammy helping their mom craft!
Had to take off the shirt with the paint.
They did an awesome job and helped out making mother's day gifts!
They loved it!

end of year school pics

3rd Grade
9 yrs. old

1st grade
7 yrs old


Easter Sunday

My kids in their easter outfits.
I made the girls' skirts and altered all their shirts.

Easter Morning!
Easter bunny brought Sammy and Maegan a new play kitchen set,
rapunzel dolls, dress up, and blankets, and more. 

 Gwen got a new boom box, blow dryer, swim towel, make up case, and more.

Alex got a new soccer ball, swim towel, dress shirt, baseball bank, and more.