Saturday, January 5, 2013


Sunday before Christmas!
They got to open a present early and Tyler and I got them these new church dresses and Alex got the new tie!  I made the bows to match in the girls hair out of some extra black minky I had and a silver ribbon

at Grandma and Grandpa's Cheney's
They have a pizza and movie/pajama party every Christmas Eve! 
Here they are getting ready to Open a Present Early!

And SURPRISE!!! They're Pajama's!
I would have never guessed ;)
We had a cousin wanting to get into the picture with us (Jesse)

I didn't pull my camera out early Christmas Morning... All of what Santa brought and the morning here at home are all on our home video.  Wish I would have taken at least a couple of pictures.
Here's is a little of what they got Christmas Morning:

Gwen: New Bike!
MP3 Player
Tonz of New Clothes, pjs, & slippers
dc shoes
Just Dance 3 &4 WII games
Hunger games book
Color wheel with lots of markers
Hunger games dvd

Alex:  Basketball
MP3 Player
Tonz of New Clothes, slippers, and pjs
Lots of New Video Games
New Skateboard
dc shoes
Harry Potter book
a few DVDs
FOX hat

Sammy:  New Bike!
Monster High Vampire Barbie
new clothes, slippers and pjs
Twinkle toes sketchers shoes
Eric (little mermaid) doll
Curious George book set

Maegan:  Princess figurine sets
tangled barbie (with the short brown hair) with Flynn Ryder doll
New clothes, pjs, slippers
DC shoes
Princess Cash register
Disney book set
Barbie DVDs

*they all got lots new movies not listed, and coloring books, as well as all their stocking stuffers
I may have missed a few things too.
 Santa brought the whole family a blue ray player with Sound system and tyler was so awesome and got me a tablet....which i love!

Christmas Breakfast
at Grandma and Grandpa Warrens
Gwen and Olivia modeling their new clothes and gloves from Grandma and Grandpa.

Such Cute dolls from Grandma and Grandpa Warren.

Maegan asked Santa for a ducky... She got one from her cousin Brooklyn... She was telling me the other day, that she asked santa for a ducky, not Grandma... lol.

Grandma and Grandpa Cheney's Christmas Day
Getting ready to open their presents from Grandma and Grandpa Cheney
Gwen got a new outfit, Alex some legos, Sammy and Maegan got some Crayola art sets

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