Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Petting zoo Farm- Preschool fieldtrip

 Pre-School Fieldtrip
I took Sammy and Maegan to a farm
for Sammy's first pre-school field trip
They loved it!
We got to pet and feed all the animals there

There were chickens, sheep, goats, cows, horses, pigs, lamas, ducks, and even a donkey.
We stayed away from the donkey because of a traumatic incident that happend at the fair last year!
 Those donkeys are dangerous!
The farm had a few tractors they could climb on

 And an old carriage!
They called it a princess carriage!
So cute!
 You can't tell very well, but that is actually the pigs face.. it is so fat, it's all scrunched up. 
And That is a pig behind them in this photo! 
It was HUGE! 
The biggest pig I've ever seen
 Pony Rides!!!
 They both got to feed the pony an apple after they're ride.
 I totally wanted a ride too...
But I assumed it was only for kids!  :(

Brigham City Temple Open House

 The really Beautiful
But really Small (I thought)
New Brigham City Temple
 After the long wait for the busses, We finally got there
I decided to take pictures of us before we took the tour
I'm glad I did; the sun was going down really fast.

 Sammy!  With such a sweet smile!  Love her!
Can I just have her BLUE EYES!!! Gorgeous!
I'm sooo jealous!
Another reason, I'm glad I took pictures before the tour:
Maegan fell right before we walked in.
She had some major scrapes with blood on her leg.
She was crying and I had to hold her the whole time.
Why didn't somebody tell me NOT to wear high heals!
My feet were killing me by the end of the night
She's always photogenic
Handsome Alex
Tyler and I

First Day of School 2012

9 yrs Old
4th Grade

7 years old
2nd Grade
-look at how nice and new his shoes look!
It is only one month later and they definately don't look like that anymore!

4 years Old
Sammy with her friend Lily
headed off to the first day of pre-school together


 This year, Gwen and Alex were in the Parade for Tennis.
They took lessons this last summer.
Absolutely had so much fun!
They got these t-shirts free and got to ride in the parade too!
-I altered Gwen's t-shirt.  It was huge and she didn't want to wear it. Plus the weather was hot!  So I cut the sleaves off and tied the top.
 Alex, Gwen, Bridger and Landon

Uintah's 2012

Maegan gathering wild flowers!
Her and Sammy had a whole beautiful bouquet gathered up.

 Alex insisted I take a picture of him with the bbgun
Painting Rocks
While Tyler was napping in the trailer,
I decided to keep the kids somewhat entertained and we painted rocks.
I didn't have a very large selection of colors, but it ended up being a fun activity for the kids and I.

 Coal and Jax had a very fun time in the lake
Ugh! They stunk like fish after that.
and Jax thought he got to sit on our chairs too.
The rocks must have looked uncomfortable to him.
He's still puppy size in this picture.
He's now twice as big.

  Ya, Every body is fishing but me.
I didn't have my license, so I sat on a chair and read a book.

We actually caught fish this year!
There might actually be some fish in this little lake.
 Just love this picture of Tyler and Sammy fishing together
 "Hey Gwen! Smile"   :)
"Hey Alex!  Don't you Dare Smile"   ;)
Going to the Uintah's is such a fun family tradition for us!
We look forward to it every year!

Maegan's 3rd Birthday

 Alice In Wonderland Party
for Maegan
3 years old
I had a not so good of a time when I picked up the cake.
I called ahead and ordered this 'Alice in Wonderland' themed cake
I had the figurine's at home, but I had the bakery design around them.
It turned out sooo cute!  And then, When I went to put it in the car, a balloon started to fly out.
As I tried to catch the balloon from flying away, I dropped the cake!!!
I couldn't believe it!
I screamed, some not so good words, I'm sure.
And then walked back into the store.
I had bright red and black frosting all over me!
Nearly in tears, I asked for them to try and fix it.
The nice associates scraped all the frosting off and started over.
It turned out great, no thanks to my clumsiness.

 I thought hard about how I should decorate for Alice in Wonderland.
I printed these off and just set them out 
I thought these were fun little sayings that are from the movie.
 I decided to give out decks of cards for the party favors

 And we played a game of Croquet!
 Instead of the cake saying 'Happy Birthday'  I had them put EAT ME
And the drinks, of course, had to say DRINK ME!

 Here's the Birthday GIRL blowing out her candles!
I don't know why she's wearing a Rapunzel dress... She's always in dress up clothes!
Sammy on the right is also wearing dress up, in an Areil dress

 Opening Presents!
 And a Barbie Convertable!!!

 Maegan is sure Excited about this one!!! (it's a pack of bracelets)
Maegan in a new birthday outfit Grandma Warren got her.

Thanks for checking out my birthday party