Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Petting zoo Farm- Preschool fieldtrip

 Pre-School Fieldtrip
I took Sammy and Maegan to a farm
for Sammy's first pre-school field trip
They loved it!
We got to pet and feed all the animals there

There were chickens, sheep, goats, cows, horses, pigs, lamas, ducks, and even a donkey.
We stayed away from the donkey because of a traumatic incident that happend at the fair last year!
 Those donkeys are dangerous!
The farm had a few tractors they could climb on

 And an old carriage!
They called it a princess carriage!
So cute!
 You can't tell very well, but that is actually the pigs face.. it is so fat, it's all scrunched up. 
And That is a pig behind them in this photo! 
It was HUGE! 
The biggest pig I've ever seen
 Pony Rides!!!
 They both got to feed the pony an apple after they're ride.
 I totally wanted a ride too...
But I assumed it was only for kids!  :(

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